As you go into the summer with new budgets, new families and new plans– we want you to know that your heart posture for your church inspires us.

You show up to work every day and face a long list of demands. It’s met with the heartache of the individuals in your church who are facing illness, divorce, death and spiritual confusion.

When the long day is over, you walk into your home with more things to do and individuals that desperately need your attention and affection. 

75% of pastors report being “extremely stressed.” We see you and want to be part of the solution. As you see the challenges the families in your community are facing every day, what are some of the challenges you face every day that we can help with? 

  • Are you struggling to get new families in the doors of your church? 
  • Have you seen young adults leave your church after they have kids? 
  • Is it difficult for you to find leaders and volunteers for your church? 

We want  to support you in areas that will increase the impact of your families and support your call to ministry, effortlessly. 

Our training, curriculum and framework grows a successful ministry for moms, so you can focus on other needs in your church.  

Start a ministry with us, and bring families to Jesus,  one mom at a time.