Why MomCo Works

MomCo communicates to moms the importance of meeting their own needs.

Motherhood introduces new and unique needs.

The moment a mom brings a baby into the world, she’s overwhelmed with new needs – her own new physical and emotional needs, and the more urgent ones of the precious life she’s just ushered into the world. These demands, and the weight of her responsibility to meet them only grow with more time spent as a mother and can be entirely overwhelming!

Meetings provide the “x factor” of support for new moms.

To facilitate meeting these growing needs, mothers need a constant fuel source of strength and support. No one can provide that solidarity quite like another mom, or better yet, a group of moms who’ve chosen to mobilize themselves for the cause of parenting in strength and supporting other women.

Consistent encouragement and stories of “real-life” experiences are what new moms use for fuel.

MomCo provides the consistency and positive reinforcement young moms so desperately need to acclimate to their new calling. And when a group’s leaders are trained and equipped through the robust, hands-on curriculum and online support communities, there is a vibrant, life-giving stability, unique to the MomCo model. It creates a well of sustenance for moms, a resource that will never run dry because it’s a symbiotic source of energy – women excited to pour into others as others are pouring into them!

MomCo empowers the mother as an individual.

Every new job has a learning curve.

A shift in identity often brings insecurity and doubt, and motherhood is no exception! Even the most confident and assured women can be shaken to the core by new motherhood, and a woman certainly can’t parent well if she isn’t first and foremost assured in herself as a person of meaningful purpose and powerful impact.

New jobs require new skills and a renewed perspective!

With MomCo, moms have access to practical resources such as parenting tips, Bible studies, life skills, and mentorship opportunities to hone their sense of self in this new season. Even more importantly, the pervading philosophy behind MomCo, the very belief that all leaders operate from, is a Biblical worldview that gives value to not just the role of motherhood, but also to women as image bearers of God. Women who spend time at MomCo gatherings can’t help but be filled with reminders of their value and purpose through the telling of powerful story after story of the meaning of motherhood and the presence of God in the daily lives of women raising children!

Childcare paves the way for connections.

The childcare component of MomCo is essential to the success of the community. It’s the piece that contributes the most in the life of a woman who needs to be reminded of who she is outside of motherhood. Having a couple hours break from tending to her children (or even just having other women around to hold her baby for a few minutes!) gives mothers a midweek moment to hear themselves think and allows some not-child-centered programming into their hearts and minds.

Moms need mental space to accept new information and receive fresh encouragement.

The childcare built into the MomCo model creates the space we need to speak into moms. The connections moms make at MomCo meetings are because they can have actual conversations with eye contact and no interruptions! This allows women to grow in self-confidence and gain clarity and perspective during an often-chaotic season of distraction and multitasking.

MomCo strengthens the family unit from the inside out.

A stable mom creates a stable home.

When a mom is self-assured and encouraged, her ability to emotionally and physically connect with her family members grows exponentially. MomCo provides an opportunity for mothers to come together to share anecdotal advice as well as to pool practical resources, which encourages growth in relationships between family members at home.

Practicing healthy relational patterns outside the home makes it easier inside the home.

Because of the mentor connections, relational access points and resources available through a MomCo group, moms have an abundance of relational tools in their arsenal and a place to engage with others. This can improve communication and understanding within the family unit as well as improve overall parenting skills. Like any organization, a family is only as healthy, focused and functional as its leadership, and moms are the ones who most often take on the role of emotional barometer, physical caretaker and social director for their families. They need on-the-job-training!

The relational skills children learn at home are practice for the “real world.”

When a mom sets a healthy tone at home, the whole family moves forward in strength and everyone is more likely to develop healthy relationships outside of the home. With a trained leadership team at the helm of a MomCo group, and a relevant curriculum being utilized in a myriad of ways, moms are supported and encouraged to use clear communication, conflict resolution skills, and practice regular personal coping strategies that benefit the whole family!

MomCo puts moms where they thrive best – in community!

Motherhood wasn’t meant to be done alone.

Sadly, our modern day lives often leave young mothers feeling isolated and misunderstood in the hardest work of their lives. But mothers who are part of a MomCo community experience a sense of solace and support, knowing that other moms understand the struggles of motherhood. The most important thing a woman can hear in the early years of motherhood is that she isn’t alone, and MomCo is a place where she’s not only told that truth, but she experiences it on a weekly basis through all her senses – speakers, activities, conversations and simply sharing a meal with other moms “in the trenches.”

A MomCo community is uniquely inclusive.

MomCo is unlike any other motherhood trend or activity that might categorize women by their hobbies, interests, parenting style or social media preferences. At MomCo, there is a place for every mom, and it’s considered the highest privilege to meet her every need! Because of this, mothers can begin to form strong relationships with women of various ages and backgrounds, and enjoy the company of new and seasoned moms alike as they traverse the difficult and rewarding terrain of raising children together. A MomCo meeting is a safe and diverse space to share the unifying struggles and successes of motherhood. It’s the perfect climate for building authentic community!

MomCo brings vibrancy and family representation to the church.

Less families attend church on a regular basis.

For many, church life if no longer a mainstay of family culture. Families need an overwhelming motivation to commit their time and energy to a church congregation. The benefits and blessings they experience with a mom engaged in a MomCo group provide just that – a powerful reason to participate! When a mom is empowered by her personal faith community, she is far more likely to bring her family into the greater church community. MomCo programming is an example of the organic, reciprocal exchange that happens within a healthy church body.

Getting mom plugged in paves the way for a family commitment.

MomCo groups offer churches an opportunity to foster a sense of community and spiritual growth for mothers. Not only do these groups provide a safe and supportive environment for mothers to come together, but they also help churches grow by providing meaningful connections between members. MomCo deliberately leans on the infrastructure of church support and enjoys a long tradition of mutually beneficial relationships with host churches. Relationships are built through church initiatives like outreach programs or service projects, and mothers are motivated to bring their families for deeper connection.

MomCo rises to meet a mother’s greatest needs.

MomCo meets the needs of women by providing a safe and supportive community, resources to navigate motherhood, and opportunities for spiritual growth. At MomCo, moms are surrounded by other moms who understand the struggles of motherhood, and the atmosphere promotes a rich culture of sharing struggles, successes and stories. A MomCo group doesn’t just support mothers, it supports families, builds better communities, and grows churches. MomCo is growing the Kingdom, one meeting at a time!

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